Monday, August 11, 2008


Still can't get my youtube links to work, so you'll have to click here to view one of Rielle Hunter's videos she produced for the Edwards campaign. The former Lisa Druck was paid $100,000+, got a free trip to Africa, and got to sleep with the boss and the aide. Oh, and one free baby!

The videos-- amateurish, boring, self-indulgent-- the criticims have already been levied. Still, there are some funny bits (at Edwards' expense-- hey, he's paying all the bills!). Edwards criticizes the board of Walmart for being "multi-millionaires," then quickly corrects himself-- "not that there's anything wrong with

The second cutest guy in the room, Josh, of indeterminate employment, wonders how to fill out "job description" on his visa to China. Since he's always sitting next to Edwards, he suggests "travel companion," then "bitch," both of which are rejected by John. He's already got his travel companion/bitch, and she's holding the camera!

Edwards then relays an anecdote about his 6-year old, who says getting tennis shoes from WalMart is bad. Daddy says the kid doesn't like WalMart because of the way they treat their workers, but you just know the kid is old enough to realize only poor people buy shoes at WalMart. Their shoe department is called "bobos."

Oh, figured it out! Here's the video:

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