Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Didn't Pink used to have pink hair? Now she's got a pink face and white hair. Maybe she should have stayed with the rosé tint, because otherwise, she's got a very bland face. Now, I'm not for people "jazzing" up their dull faces with crazy coloured hair or shit-in-the-face or a big crazy hat, but in Pink's case, anything that distracts from her blobby visage might be helpful.

That's Pink above, just in case you confuse her with Eddie Izzard, below.

Here's the latest quote from Pink:

"I checked into Canyon Ranch in Tucson, Arizona, in the summer and I went to see a therapist, telling him I was an alcoholic. He asked me when I'd had my last drink and I couldn't remember - it had been a few weeks previously. I then read the AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) manual cover to cover and we talked. I realized I wasn't an alcoholic, just someone who likes to get drunk every now and again. I'm trying to work out if that's a bad thing."

Oh, how wonderful to be able to check one's self in to a clinic, on the inkling that one has a problem. And how wonderful to find one doesn't have a problem after all-- although one does have a new album to promote, and one has a lack of talent, and a need to inject one's self into the public consciousness.

Or, to have a public forum to discuss all my problems or imagined problems or inklings of problems. For instance, I would love to go to a spa and read a book (or manual, or whatever) and talk to a therapist about my deathly aversion to work, and have the therapist say, "so work, or don't work, what's th
e problem?" And then to work out for myself whether that's a bad thing.

Looking at that picture again, she kind of looks like a white Rihanna. Except uglee.