Saturday, August 2, 2008


After Angelina Jolie gave birth to daughter Shiloh in Zamboobia, she donated the proceeds of the first picture rights to the people of Zamboobia, giving each citizen an unprecedented 28 million Zamboobian guineas, or $3.19 in US dollars. Now that Jolie has given birth to twins, in Nice, France, People and Hello! magazines have been awarded the first look at the world's first celebrity siamese twins since Chang & Eng--baby Viviknox, for 14 million dollars. As has been widely reported, the two adorable tots are joined at the hip to mom Jolie.

To whom should the Jolie-Pitts donate the proceeds? The Zamboobians are still partying after their windfall, and France is flush with funds-- do you know how much brie I eat?-- so what country is a worthy recipient of the cash?

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