Friday, August 1, 2008


If you saw "Dark Knight" you know this is not a pile of money, and if you're not living with Bin Laden in a cave somewhere you know the Batman movie makes this much money per second. Did Katie Holmes pull out of the comic book sequel to make this movie? It was called "Mad Money" in case you blinked, or you're not a middle-aged single gal who was so desperate for the "Sex in the City" movie you saw any movie that had more than one chick in the credits.

Okay, we know the reason-- Katie's only allowed to love one man who secretly wears a leather codpiece, and she can't make more money or be more successful than l'il hubbie. But Jesus Christ.

Now, I'm not one of those people who slags Katie because she's been chained to the stove by her midget-impresario-with-a-moptop, but whatever the reason, I'm glad she pulled out. Maggie Gyllenhaal-- now there's a bitch can go toe-to-toe with Batbutch. Whether she's striding in and out of the courtroom, the interrogation room, staring down the Joker or watching the clock tick down strapped to 100s of barrels of flammable oil, bitch got presence. She's no little girl. In "Batman Begins," Katie looked like she stumbled into the courtroom during "bring your daughter to work" day.

Oh yeah, Heath is good too. But you knew that already.

Photo Courtesy Big City Pictures

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