Sunday, July 20, 2008


Neil Young was on Charlie Rose the other night, and as Courtney Love might characterize him, he was "Cherry Koo Koo Bannanoos, that's hot stylee," talking about his perpetual-motion car machine. Apparently it runs on a compressed air engine, which magically keeps filling up.

While he's not investigating Flying Carpet technology, the old bastard's still stirring up shit with his music, in a way that Rihanna and Miley Cyrus and all the other current firebrand social commentators have failed to do. He took over the Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young reunion 2 summers ago and turned it into a protest party with rousing sing-alongs like "Let's Impeach the President."

Apparently half the audience booed and flipped the bird and walked out. Jesus Christ, they tried to impeach Clinton for inappropriately extinguishing his cigar (ow!), but you can't even suggest to impeach Bush for-- um, where do we start?

How come it's only an old guy doing this stuff? Where's that loumouthed midget from the Dixie Chicks? We love short loudmouth bitches, but can't we do better than the Dixie Chicks?

ome on peeps! You won't have the Bush Assministration to kick around much longer. I would say they're a punchline just waiting for a joke, but I forgot it's not funny.

Nicole Bengiveno/The New York Times

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