Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Jon Voight has some wise old-man words for Angie and Brad. Now that he's been disowned by Angie, poor Jon is doing whatever possible to connect through the power of the press. Sad.


"Twins are a big deal. How many people have seen twins?" he told Us at the the FOX Television Critics Association party on Monday. "Even [if they're] the world's most remarkable, sleep-oriented, calm children... two kids at the same time is a big deal."

How old is he that he thinks no one has even seen twins? Didn't they have twins in the 70s? Oh, yeah before IVF treatment twins were freaks.

That's Jon and Marcheline, Angie's mom, above in 1976 before he took off and abandoned her. Angelina may hate her father. See the pattern? That could be a pic of her and Brad.

Here's a pic of Brangie, also taken evidently in 1976:

Actually Brad's more 70s than the 70s were. Does anyone else notice how waxy he looks lately? All sex symbols turn to wax as they age.

Oh, I know what you're thinking. . .I'm so boring but I'm a brangeloonie too as Michael K over at dlisted.com says. He's right, we're all insane. If there was a 24hr Brangie news channel (BNC--get Ted Turner on this STAT! he can colourize them all sorts of fantastic colours!) I'd watch it nonstop. And report back to you!! You spoiled little peepholers!

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