Saturday, November 8, 2008


Okay, so we hate her or love her, but her ability to seriously fuck with the country and the world has been voted down, so can't we just let Sarah go? Last night, Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow devoted too much time and too much parsing to further kick everyone's favourite "you bitch'a."

Back in Alaska, she gave a press conference to address
the crap people have been saying. Who cares about the goddam clothes? Do we really need to have a helicopter feed, a la OJ, showing the RNC arriving at the Governor's mansion to pick up the wardrobe from Macy's? And do they really want Todd's silk boxers back? Then again, I'm sure they could make a bundle selling them on bay. As long as they were worn during one of his 3-day Zamboni races.

Todd Heisler/The New York Times

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