Monday, July 14, 2008


Perhaps you Oprah viewers have heard about the lawsuit against Jessica Seinfeld, left (yeah, Jerry's slutty wife, who he dumped his former fiancee to marry), whose recipe book "Deceptively Delicious" (stupid title) is sneakily similar to the one published by Missy Chase Lapine, right, titled "The Sneaky Chef." Both focus on recipes that include pureed vegetables into otherwise kid-friendly meals. Like Kraft Dinner (with pureed broccoli), and Tater Tots (with masticated prune). Delish!

According to the New York Times, Lapine is "expanding her lawsuit."
Now, Lapine (Missy Chase to you!) will sue HarperCollins, the publisher of Seinfeld's book, as well as expanding her claims against Seinfeld herself-- that Miss J stole her hairstyle, eyebrow shape, dimples, nose, and frozen smile.

Sue, baby! I'm with ya! Mr. J made millions on his show, and of course we wouldn't begrudge him, except for those last two seasons after Larry David left, and we realized Seinfeld was nothing-- I say nothing! --without him. So spread the wealth around, baby. Anyone who can sneak regurgitated zucchini into a glass of chocolate milk deserves the largesse.

Getty Images/ Associated Press

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