Friday, July 18, 2008


I'm so sick of reading about D-list starlets and their fitness routines. Why do they think going to bed early, abstaining from alcohol (and whatever else), eating right and working out every day gives them the life experience to portray anyone except a neurotic, self-obsessed starlet? Whatever happened to actresses with an appetite for living? Oh, I forgot, Liz Taylor's probably hanging out with Liza and MJ at Neverland Dubai.

The person who changed the focus of gossip rags to Pilates 'n' Powerade was Bonnie Fuller, former editor of Flare, YM, Marie Claire, Cosmo, Glamour, US, and Star Weekly.

In the Times article about Bonnie, her success is described:

She is able to almost distill the id of the reader. She channels them in a way few others do, and what she heard is: ‘I don’t care about your acting method in your last movie. I just want to know what workout you used to get that fabulous body.’
Bonnie was also credited with "humanizing the stars," but it seems she's also succeeded in "deifying" the reader. Now everyone thinks they can be a goddam star--and nevermind "method," shit, anyone knows how to act like a reality star-- just dredge up all your worst impulses, and it's "action!"

Photo: Ruth Fremson/The New York Times

1 comment:

PeepHole said...

yeah hate her. what a c***. she started this whole crappy reporting thing. so proud she's from toronto