Friday, June 13, 2008


Image courtesy

MY YSL--my fidgetygay genius designer, purportedly putting women in pants with style.

I thought Austin Scarlett from Project Runway would take the reign, but where is he? He's disappeared into the couture ether [couture esther?]...well anyway, YSL has made me what I am today. Overthehill, white-haired, ugly 40year old who wears pants everyday!

No, I shouldn't say that. I really loved him...I just wanted to pick him up and take him home, give him a sketchpad, a boa, a sequin-blind-working-lady and some Valium. Endlessly brilliant. Shockingly brilliant. Poor Pierre Berge, still secretive after all these years. From a time when gay was something respectful. Presumed and intangible. Under the couture sequins where it belonged. Now there are gay cocks all over the place, instead of in your pants where they belong.

R.I.P. YSL. Sweet dreams.

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