Friday, June 1, 2007


--is not another 23-year old mother, especially such a talented one. Amy Winehouse has told Rolling Stone:

"I've done a record I'm really proud of and that's about it. I'm a caretaker and I want to enjoy myself and spend time with my husband. Blake and I didn't get to spend any time together for a long time. I don't want to be ungrateful. I know I'm talented, but I wasn't put here to sing. I was put here to be a wife and a mom and look after my family."

We prefer Angelina (as reported in Marie Claire):

Zahara: "I need a cookie, Mommy."

Angelina: "You don't need a cookie."

Zahara: "Yes I do because Daddy will cry if I don't."

This is the woman who called her newborn daughter "a blob." Perhaps if more mothers weren't afraid of speaking their thoughts, and not giving into their children's emotional blackmail, our country wouldn't be full of such emotionally stunted, unsatisfied, self-indulgent monsters.

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