Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Here's the cover of Alaska magazine, which presumably even Sarah Palin reads. But when asked by Katie Couric, Sarah couldn't name a single publication she reads to stay abreast of current affairs.

Maybe it's true, like the guys on MSNBC have been trumpeting, that the McCain campaign is all about distraction. So while everyone was gasping and guffawing over Sarah Palin's performance in her interview with Couric, which made it to Saturday Night Live, the real comedy show-- of McCain, within the span of a few days, pronouncing the economy sound, then unsound; of being against regulations, then for them-- was totally ignored. Why wasn't it fodder for late night?

McCain's latest embarrassment, suspending his campaign to pass an emergency economic bill-- but not getting it passed, and resuming his non-suspended campaign-- has not gone unnoticed by the pundits. Uh-oh, time for distraction. What will they have Sarah do next? I'm thinking she'll arrive onstage for Thursday night's debate sliding down a stripper pole. Oh that Sarah, she's just like the rest of us!


PeepHole said...

o lordy cant wait for the debate!
sing it!

Anonymous said...

I've never been so interested in polictics than now. Watching these debates is almost better than SNL...Get the popcorn and hide the kids the debate is on!