Friday, September 26, 2008


This picture is great at exhibiting what was an hour and a half of Obama softly kicking McCain's old fogey ass with a smile and a friendly bi-partisan intelligence and tolerance. I haven't heard anyone mention the glaring, Bush-esque attitude of McCain: he never looked over at Obama, even though Lehrer insisted a few times that the debate was to be interactive between the candidates. Instead, McCain scowled angrily, laughed patronizingly. Is this a tactic of the GOP? To look means you're dropping your sheriff-like steely resolve? Doesn't looking into the eyes of your opponent show fearlessness? Obama got it after a while and looked over and engaged McCain. But McCain, like an angry child, was condescending ['What Obama doesn't understand...Mr. Obama is naive...'] and prick-ish, waving his Sharpie around. I think at some point he called his pen old. Did he? Did he really use the word 'old'? What a Freudian slip! Projecting through his phallic symbol what he knows and fears everyone is thinking about him, standing across from a strapping young man with actual colour in his face. And why does he use a Sharpie? Can he not see his jotted notes? Why not a feather quill, a big bottle of India Ink and a magnifying glass?
And did McCain really use the word, 'holocaust' in reference to Iran and Israel. . .
Jesus. . .inflammatory and dated and inappropriate. He forgot to mention mushroom clouds, The Bomb, and The Lemon Sisters.

It's funny that McCain never mentions the middle class and how they're necessary for the economy, to get things moving again, and he never mentions Pakistan. Obama always mentions 'Pahhhkistahn' in his high-brow way, but he's right, the Pakistan issue does have to be faced and dealt with.
Oh well, whatever, in the end it was a humourless, charm-less display by McCain. What happened to him? He seems so threatened. Never show weakness, Soldier, and when you fall from the sky, try not getting captured, that may have been your first mistake.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahh it's nice that Obama brings his old white grandfather to his debates...