Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Let the backlash begin. Everyone loved her last night. How's Maureen Dowd this morning, a little cranky?

Here's Andrew Sullivan:

"She started out a little dull and a little self-obsessed. But then she rallied - a little. "No Way. No How. No McCain" was a good line. And the Twin Cities analogy was a great little riff on Bush and McCain. But I have to say her speaking style, although much improved over even a year ago, is still a little flat. When she's passionate, she has little inflection. When she's quieter, she's a little drony. The "keep going" theme, moreover, was a little unnerving. A thinly veiled threat?"

Well if that was a threat it wasn't very 'thinly veiled'. And what sort of threat is that exactly? That she has a rifle in her pants? Well she does but not a real one.

Sullivan has nothing more to say though, "But actually, I don't have much more to say."

Except this: "The response on television from the crowd seems to have been everything Obama would have wanted. To my mind, however, it was an average performance, not a slashing attack on the Bush-Cheney record, nor a rousing rallying cry for Obama, nor a very insightful analysis of the country's problems. There was virtually nothing about foreign policy. She did what she had to do, tell her voters to back Obama. But she gave nothing more."

What a little bitch he is, what is she supposed to bleed all over the convention floor?

"So far, only Michelle Obama has rescued this convention from being dreary and distracted."

I agree it's been dreary, but isn't everything before the Messiah comes?

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