Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Is that what Jen had to look at in bed? Ick. John Mayer, who Jennifer Aniston just dumped. Or he dumped. Whatever. Conflicting stories. Does she know what he said in Rolling Stone?:

"Everyone thinks Brad Pitt has it great because he married Angelina Jolie. I think he has it terrible, because when Angelina Jolie is giving you a blow job, what do you tip your head back and think of to help you finish? You have nothing left — just Jesus on a polar bear in the middle of the snow, saying, 'You greedy motherfucker, I've got nothing for you.'"

Oh he's so funny. Is anyone tipping their head back thinking of friendly Jennifer Aniston? Maybe this is what sealed the deal:

"I'm not worried about how small my penis is — I'm worried about how dark it is. I have a Dominican penis. My penis hit six home runs last year; my penis wears shoes without socks."

Mayer as Borat photo: Ask a Gay Man

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