Friday, July 4, 2008


More bad news for pitbull owners (New York Times and NY Post). Luckily, the irresponsible owners in both these stories have been charged. In most cases, the owner is ultimately responsible, especially when they throw dangerous dogs into a room with sleeping children as a way to get revenge on an ex-girlfriend.

While we stress the importance of keeping dangerous dogs in check, we're also bummed that New York residents are being exhorted to call '311' to report any dangerous dog activity. Where's the balance? Why do we need more bad reports about dogs, especially when we know the news is biased, calling any dog involved in an attack a "pitbull" because it's better copy?

So, as a way to show the good side of all dogs, we're asking area residents to call 811 when they have an adorable dog sighting. Dogs playing in fountains, dogs licking little kid's faces, dogs frolicking and carousing in the park. Be sure to take pictures with your camera phones! Together, we can remind everyone that dogs love people and just don't go around looking for trouble.

Photo credit: Melissa Weidermann,


PeepHole said...

you'll understand if i dont go and read these articles. i cant take it

PeepHole said...

fantastic photo though!