Friday, June 1, 2007


Okay, so Bill did it. Newt did it. Delay did it. Newt and his cronies halted the government to investigate whether Bill was doing it while Newt himself was doing it. Delay says he did it, but he's not as bad as Newt because Newt was doing it while investigating it. Bill doesn't care who else is doing it, only that he's not allowed to do it. At least for the next 18 months.

Delay says he's repented his sins with Jesus. So what do you have to do to get forgiveness in this town? Do you have to say you've repented, otherwise we can assume it's still a blot on your consciousness? Judgments are only necessary for those running for president, otherwise Bill, the future first husband, would get his condemnation as well.

How about-- everyone's forgiven? How about we move onto more pressing matters, like the US soldiers and innocent Iraqis getting killed in the Middle East?

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